Friday, October 28, 2005

solar maximum

among other things i've learned that may or may not have any pertinent future application, i now know that during the sun's roughly 11-year-long solar cycle, it passes through solar minimums and maximums where magnetic disturbances on the surface are more common, prevalent, frequent, etc.

i could commiserate. right now, there's just a lot more activity going on at the surface that i would really like. visualize me with that disdainful old man face when youthful, boisterous children playing in a nearby pool begin splashing so much that it flecks him with water. there's just too much going on. i'm on sensory overload and i can't really take it all in.

i'm sure Jesus didn't have that problem. with an entire crowd of devotees (and others) all up in his grill, some nameless woman barely touches the bottom of his tunic and he's like "whoa. stop the presses. somebody just touched me." not so with mark, i say. because right now, it seems like most everything is all up in my grill. little kids splashing me. sunspots speckling my surface. professors all wanting me to deliver. bills that demand to be paid. songs that wish i had time to record them. family that... nevermind.

if i were Jesus, right about now, i would probably tell that throng of devotees (and others) to back up off me. or rock one of those classic "peace be still" edicts where nothing living or dead dares make a sound until i say otherwise. or modern living might give way and i instead rock something a bit more matrix-like and just speed up so fast that everything around me appears to go in slow motion.

i can only do what i can do, but i guess my limits are being tested. my comfort zone is being stretched. it's not pleasant, but then again, when is it ever. i maintain that i still love it all even though, it's just upsetting right now. the big picture is overwhelming me, so i think i'll just zoom in real tight on the details that i can deal with... and deal with them. everything else will just have to wait.

“and when my enemies draw near, i pray that they will find that i'm protected and secure. all tempests he will bind with a mighty word. oh how i would have dispaired if you had not come found me there. i can lean against your throne and find my peace... find my peace.” - jennifer knapp, “peace”


At 1:05 AM, October 30, 2005, Blogger Heather Diane Tipton said...

jennifer knapp is like my favorite...

Playing catch-up on your blog. praying for you Mark.


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