Monday, October 03, 2005

the eleventh hour, the nth time

i have managed my time badly. i had x, y, and z to take care of this weekend, and i think i dabbled with y... a little bit. the less important, q's, r's, and what not got full attention though. they commanded the entire fleet of my full attention. what do i have to show for it? not much. i did have quite a nice time with some friends this weekend, but it was at the expense of responsibilities that i am not prepared to face up to.

and then, at the eleventh hour, when the task could be postponed no more, i finally squeezed what little effort i could into a small paltry timespace and, with that, barely sqeaked by. yet another time. i wonder if i'm ever going to get tired of this.


At 11:07 AM, October 08, 2005, Blogger Shawn said...

Why change? Procrastination is so much fun. I've learned to embrace my "I'll do that later" attitude and enjoy the time spent slacking.


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