Tuesday, October 18, 2005

if i was a drinker

i often say this, but it bears repeating.

if i was a drinker, i would be drinking right now. i have had the weekend from hell. scratch that. two of them. and people wonder why monday is my favorite day of the week. tabula rasa.

my priorities have been misaligned, seemingly no matter what i do. i put time and effort into something and it turned out to be worthless. i let something small slide, and it turned out to be a major loss.

"i think i said something wrong. now i long for yesterday."

i know what i did.

scratch that.

what i've done.

and it's thrown me off-kilter spiritually. i'm done though now. i pity the next person to get in my way, because i have no mercy left, and i will mow them down.



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