Wednesday, February 22, 2006

difference a day makes

“my feelings hurt / but you know i overcome the pain / and i'm stronger now / there can't be a fire unless there's a flame / don't cry” - seal

right around 24 to 36 hours ago, i wasn't feeling too terribly hot. i got down pretty low. i didn't set a record, but it hadn't been that bad for awhile. God must be on my side, 'cause those were perfect weather conditions for a cold front of heavy depression to sweep in and rain on everything. God must be on my side. other people's prayers must be working. 'cause i don't feel like mine are that fervent. and i certainly don't feel i count much as righteous these days. not to term myself a hapless, helpless heathen. according to the Word of God, Christ is my righteousness and furthermore, my strength in weakness. if God says it, i'll side with it, but i'm just making note of my feelings... and the fact that they seem to have changed. 'bout time.


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