Thursday, January 26, 2006

“tito! my hair's on fire!”

OK, not really. But I am in that mode where most everything is about putting out fires. Runhere, dothis, changethat, finishthis, phonesringing!, hurryupandwait, runandgettoit, balancethisjugglethat, rattlethempotsandpansandlookgooddoinit, and over time it does feel like spaces just kind of disappear from all the words said and they just blend into one long imperative sentence that would have an exclamation point on it... if it ever ended.

The sad thing is, I think I like it like this. I didn't really kick into gear until there was too much pressure on... until the deadline was right before me. Seriously though, I must figure out why when I'm doing creative things, it seems like I don't get inspired until the day of. It's almost like you'd put your hands on your hips and bark at your idea, "What. You couldn't have gotten here any sooner? Everybody was waiting on you."

I feel like I'm on now. In reference to the previous rant, the lawnmower is beginning to do what I know it can. Now... if I can just get it to do it a little faster, we can really be in business. The graphic design queues are as full of interesting projects as Julie Andrews' hills are alive with the sound of music. I just finished a flash eCard promoting WOW Gospel 2006. I've got upcoming promo design work to do on Amel Larrieux's new album, plus individual sites for Kenny Lattimore and Chante Moore, another site for clothing line called HunterHill, and leave us not forget that school is starting on Monday.

And speaking of Monday, Monday is also National Mute Math Day. I'll be going straight from my new and wonderful classes at CSUN to CBS's television studios to see Mute Math tape a live performance on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, and then from there to The Troubadour in Hollywood to see their headlining live show, and then from there back home to await the airing of The Late Late Show so I can tape it, and make my Mute Math experience complete. Heck yeah. Ain't it grand?


At 5:04 AM, February 04, 2006, Blogger A Heart of Worship said...

the word play of mark...i LOVE it! it really got across what you were trying to convey! funny too!

At 11:29 AM, February 04, 2006, Blogger A Heart of Worship said...

Oh yeah! I meant to mention that I was ROTFLMBO when I read the title to this blog...aren't you too young to even know about that reference?

*BTW, Coke is better than Pepsi...LOL!

At 7:54 AM, February 07, 2006, Blogger Shawn said...

can we say "obsessive?"


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