Thursday, November 17, 2005

death of a salesman

willy lomax spent his entire life chanting his mantra of how good it is for a salesman to be "well-liked". and then he died a failure of a salesman and nobody liked him. nobody. first of all, willy was either delusional or a pathological liar, because he was not a good salesman and even stevie wonder could see that. and second, while willy sang the praises of being well-liked, he sure didn't consider how much it costs to try and please everybody. it would have been fine if he could have parlayed all of his pandering and boot-licking into sales. but this bastard had nothing to show at the end of the day except a monument to how pathetic he was.

i don't wanna die like that. i like for people to like me. i like for people to smile when they see me. but some people are just too expensive. they require too much to be pleased. and once i deem that making a person happy doesn't fit in my budget, i just shut down shop altogether and i might give them the finger. after that point, pretty much don't nobody get nothin'. and i means it like i said it.

today, i just don't have enough "resource" to please everybody. maybe it's just me. maybe i've been sending out "hostile vibes" and people around me are reacting to a message i didn't know i was sending, but it surely feels like its without probable cause. so until such time as i figure out what's going on, i'm gonna register a provisional "screw them, i'm taking my toys and going home. i didn't want to be their friend anyway." how 'bout that.

i guess that does sound pretty hostile.

aww, shut up.


At 1:03 AM, December 25, 2005, Blogger Heather Diane Tipton said...

LOL Ok sadly, this post made me laugh. sorry... I'm sick that way


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