Sunday, February 27, 2005


i will try to make my point as quickly and succinctly as possible, because there are many, many tangents off on which i can go. today i got one of those messages that no guy wants to get. 'twas my ex-girlfriend referred to here as "Peach", e-mailing to tell me that the reason she hasn't been available much is not just 'cause she was working a lot as she said, but because she's been dating someone new. now, given we've been apart for well over a year now. but no man, and i mean no man wants to hear about their ex dating somebody new. i mean, that is, unless they were married and it means they don't have to pay alimony anymore, but this is not the case.
Wisdom from Living Single's Khadijah on why men are obsessed with their ex's: "Synclaire, it's basic male psychology. When a man sees an ex-girlfriend, he can't believe she's still breathing--and forming complete sentences. How does she do it? He must know."
so lemme get a grip on reality real quick. facts are: (1) we broke up many moons ago. (2) i did the breaking up. (3) she's a great girl and deserves somebody who can get with her. (4) this doesn't mean i'm left behind 'cause nothing i was doing before was dependent on her and nothing happening in the future is either. (5) i'm where i want to be and i'm reminding myself right now that i have no regrets about the breakup. (6) i will come into the meaningful God-ordained relationship that i want to in God's timing and until then, i will continue doing exactly what i have been doing... trying to be more like him and not trippin' out in the meantime.

any questions? none? ok. thank you for listening.


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