Thursday, February 17, 2005

why it's ok for kanye west to be a pompous hellion

quoth kanye himself, "somebody tell these ni***s who kanye west is?!"

of course, by the title you would have to assume that i think kanye west is a pompous hellion. well actually, no. but i'm certain that there are people who do. he's a shameless self-promoter, his ego is bloated to say the least, and to add insult to injury, he considers himself a servant of God. why, the nerve?! doesn't it bug you when people who think too highly of themselves feel the need to broadcast it to the masses? well, for some reason, his broadcasts don't rub me wrong at all. i rather enjoy him.

i am a self-professed underdog supporter to an almost absolute degree and kanye west is one of my favorites. kanye's indignance is that of someone coming from under the heap, tossing bodies left and right only trying to get what he deserves. so when i see him arriving at the podium with grammy award firmly in hand though sweaty, breathing hard, and a little scuffed up, i cheer. he made it to the gala to sit among the dignified folks anyway. his peers and predecessors went down in obscurity, but he had the drive to end up on top of the heap come hell or high water. so when he says he's the best and commands that "somebody tell these ni***s" who he is, it doesn't bother me at all... because i believe he is the best. in his field, at this point in time? yes.

now, i can't touch on this subject without mentioning the favorite object of my consummate disaffection, one usher raymond iv, more commonly known to me as "bullethead". i have to admit, he is on top right now. but he really grates on me. it's a double standard for sure, but the subtle difference is that i believe kanye west's braggadocio is only on the exterior and well fashioned to function in the entertainment industry where he operates. usher on the other hand seems to be arrogant for the sake of arrogance. he's calmer now, but i still feel like the smug component of his persona doesn't just rest on his surface, but it goes straight down to the bone. and for this cause, i am a hatater and may always be. when i see him, i am compelled from some deep inner place to draw upon my mightiest might and boo a resounding boo loud as the rolling sea in our beloved negro national anthem. a'own like that nyacka!

am i buying into the stereotype of being soft towards the specialty group of "those having overcome adversity"? yes, because i can personally identify with it. why wouldn't it be legitimate though? everyone has overcome some type of adversity. plus, nothing is absolute. i don't like usher, but if i got the chance to meet him, i'd like to. hang out with him? no. not so much. also, i'm predisposed to dig kanye west, but if i found out that i had misjudged his self-confidence as a tip when it's actually an iceberg, i'm not beyond giving him the gas face either. i think i've communicated my view well, but the bottom bottom of the bottom line is that this is my opinion and it may not matter at all.


At 5:30 PM, February 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made me laugh outloud on that one.
:) Thanks.


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