Wednesday, February 16, 2005

long as you have the weather

all this week you could hear the ominous murmurings of the people rising from the campus. "it's gonna rain on tuesday. it's gonna rain all week." and sure enough, the weather forecast i checked confirmed that a storm was a-brewin'. brewin' up enough to shower through to saturday. conveniently, i broke my umbrella tryin' to stay dry during the last storm. so even though i was a little pressed for cash, i made a special $15 investment to make sure my freshly retightened locks would stay that way for at least another week. plus, i like this new-fangled umbrella. it's more compact than the other, opens and closes at the push of a button, and has a lifetime warranty.

so i'm carryin' my brand new little toy around just waitin'. half a day goes by and hardly a cloud yet hangs in the sky. to add insult to injury, the sun began breaking through the clouds and the gray started to retreat to every far corner of the sky. what is this all about? why, it didn't rain all day long. today, i got up and the sun was shinin' just as bright as it wanna. 63° outside at 9:30am. now it's 6:30pm at night and there is not a cloud in the sky. i can see the beautiful fading gradient of sunset roll from a bright ocean blue hue to a deep star-spekled celestial indigo. it's lovely and all, but i didn't even get to play with my new toy.

it's all well and good though. i didn't want it to rain no how. i tell you what though. i'm done investin' money based on ominous consensus and official sounding weather forecasts. it doesn't much matter how learned our meteorologists claim they are. the sky is still God's, and i don't mean to threaten a whole industry, but as far as predicting whether the sun will come up or rain will come down... what if -- and i know this is deep -- them jokers just don't know? how 'bout that?


At 12:28 AM, February 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I am sure that you were able to use your new toy earlier today (Thursday).

It caught me by suprise today, because I, like you expected it to rain on Tuesday or maybe Wednesday and so I made no precautions for today and guess what the rain decided to come down today.

I had no resources available and I was looking outside the window at work wondering how I will make it to my car without getting drenched. I recently had my hair done and I'm a black girl, so it ain't cute when it gets wet...and to make it worse all I had was this thin lined designer jacket with no hood--what good did that do me???

Well I had to improvise, used my jacket as an umbrella and let my arms soak and freeze and to add to all of this I just finished the 4-day long flu on Tuesday.

Not a pretty picture, heh?

At 5:18 PM, February 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You tell 'em, Mark! They don't know nuthin'.


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