Friday, December 31, 2004


It's now the end of 2004 and I find that I'm well into this 2000-era decade and don't really feel "defined". I can look back to the 90's and remember what I was doing in '93, '94, there were landmarks there. Better yet, I feel like I have to make an account for what I've done with the last five years. This decade is already 5 years old, but most recent things have been eclipsed by the last major landmark in my life, which I suppose was my grandfather's death in 1999. But it'd like to highlight just for my own sake, some worthwhile things that have happened from 2000 to date:


  • Did Speaking of Sarah, Forty Save One, Darrell Mansfield Blues Band, and Zealous album covers for Micah Records
  • Discovered Napster
  • Amel Larrieux released Infinite Possibilities
  • Continued as Tonex's webmaster for
  • Crystal Lewis released Fearless.
  • Earthsuit released Kaleidoscope Superior.
  • Moved in with the Alb fam in summer of 2000
  • Recorded "Hallelujah" with Scott Blackwell
  • Recorded "Come In With Your Hands Up" with AJ Mora
  • Saw Crystal Lewis and Out Of Eden live in Anaheim on the Fearless World Tour on September 29th.
  • Cut off my dredlocks for the first time in October
  • Moved into my own room in on Gresham Street for $400/month
  • Began commuting back and forth to Bakersfield to play at Compassion Christian Center


  • Bought my first copy of Stevie Wonder's Songs In The Key Of Life on vinyl
  • Landlord evicted us all from the Gresham Street house so he could move in after his wife passed away
  • Laid off from Micah Media Group
  • Directed in prayer to move back to Bakersfield, CA
  • Received a new computer from my mother
  • August 25, 2001 - Aaliyah's death
  • Sepember 11, 2001 - World Trade Center attacked
  • Spent a miserable winter working for the Housing Authority in Oildale, CA.
  • December, bought Sonic Foundry Remixer's Kit and began learning ACID software.

  • Moved back to Los Angeles in January
  • Lived in the vocal booth of the recording studio in the backyard of Scott Blackwell's house in February
  • Took job at Castle Peak Escrow in April as an escrow assistant. Had no idea what an escrow was.
  • Moved into my current place in Los Angeles in April.
  • Borrowed keyboard from a friend and began recording You Are Here in May/June.
  • The '89 Pontiac Sunbird named "Bucket"that my grandfather bought in '98 died of a blown gasket on the 405 freeway in July.
  • Bought a brand new [to me] used car in August with the help of my mom and my Uncle David.
  • I took english literature and philosophy courses at CSUN. Got A's in both.
  • Reunited with old friends Aaron and Darnell.
  • Met Charles and Andrea Humphrey and began attending H.O.P.E. Fellowship bible study.
  • Saw Chaka Khan live in concert for the first time ever in Bakersfield on October 3rd.
  • Started my dredlocks November 20th in preparation to audition for American Idol, but didn't make the auditions due to my sister's sudden illness that weekend.
  • Took Spanish class at night and Saturday morning art class at CSUN in the fall & met good friend and future design business partner "Komei".
  • Met "Nefertiti" through Darnell and began dating in the fall.


  • Went to Big Bear retreat with H.O.P.E.'s House fam in January.
  • Stopped dating Nef in early February. She was not happy.
  • Took Anthropology class at Pierce College in Spring.
  • Performed "Don't Worry (Gotcha)" for the first time with 3 backup dancers at the first annual Gospel Jam Concert in April.
  • Had it up to here and quit Castle Peak Escrow job in May.
  • Started dating Peach in May.
  • Got to meet and hang out with Terry Lewis in June.
  • Took cruise to Mexico with Dre, Chuck, & H.O.P.E.'s House crew in July.
  • Met Kenbo at church in August.
  • Had first H.O.P.E.'s House service on September 7, 2004.
  • Broke up with Peach in October.
  • Had You Are Here mastered and sent it to manufacturing October 31, 2003.


  • Met friend Hakim while taking history and political science classes at Pierce College in Spring.
  • Performed medley of songs from You Are Here with Tonee, Desiree, and London as backup dancers in the 2nd annual Gospel Jamfest (Andre couldn't make it).
  • Took part-time job at Jewish organization in May.
  • Web design business took off in the summer time.
  • Celebrated one-year anniversary of H.O.P.E.'s House on September 5th.
  • In October, got a cell phone again for the first time in 3 years.
  • Took first guitar lesson on December 21st.
"With a little luck will I find you
And if I do
Is it you who'll make my dreams come true
Just a little bit of happiness
Is all that I wish
And I hope that you can grant me this"
- Nathan Morris, "Wishes"

I think when I look at it, more went down than I thought. There's been a lot of happiness and of course, there were times peppered with drama and trouble, but I'm sure the best is yet to come. I have to say, as exciting as recent times have been, they haven't quite gone as I would have liked them to. So I wanted to paint a more idealized picture of what I'd like this year to be like.


  • Have a great time on Big Bear getaway weekend in January.
  • Read All You Need To Know About The Music Business by Donald Passman and organize the business side of my music aspirations.
  • Finally get to return to CSUN in the Spring and take at least 12 units of classes with A's in them all.
  • Do websites for at least 3 major label recording artists.
  • Record a new independent album and sell at least 500 copies of it.
  • Take a few hip-hop dance classes.
  • Best friend Aaron moves to Texas successfully and gets his life together.
  • Get good enough at playing the guitar to use it to accompany myself at church and even do acoustic dates at coffee shops and what not.
  • Start caring about being early or punctual to places.
  • Get a better grip on webdesign and learn how to use the nuances of the software I have.
  • Pay off at least one of my credit cards.
  • Pay down the rest of them.
  • Accumulate at least a $1,000 cushion in a saving account for no reason at all.

Conspicuously missing are spiritual goals for the year. I don't really have any. The spiritual leaps I've been able to make in 2004 have been so far beyond what I would have imagined, that I'm perfectly comfortable entrusting that regiment to God. If I notice anything worth bringing up, I'll submit the request midstream. But that's the future. For right now, I'm just really hopeful for what 2005 will bring, so... happy new year!


At 8:52 PM, January 16, 2005, Blogger Paula said...

I love your last comment. Funny, when we make spiritual goals they seem to fall flat on their squashed little faces--then God comes along and does something big and amazing and though we may walk through the mud first, we find ourselves in a brand, new, lighted place.


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