Friday, September 03, 2004

anticlimactic fantastic

yay! even though i couldn't get into the biology class i needed this semester, it's all good 'cause i don't like biology! i'm left with only art classes! that rocks! it'll be great! it's all creative! i'm so happy! but i'm so bored! and uninspired! and i should have stopped placing exclamation points after each sentence fragment long ago! you would think i'd be happier to be in school part-time and for free nonetheless (fee waiver courtesy of the same state of California who's raising tuitions elsewhere). still, the hand i've drawn is a really big let down at first glance. unless everyone else at the table was dealt something even worse to play with hand, i'm gonna need some serious external stimulation to grow something in this field of academia.

one class is art history. there are only two art history classes and one teacher handles both of them. so i get no choice. she definitely passes the competence test, but she's a little stiff in places personality wise. apparently her world travels have birthed in her an arrogant, accomplished acquaintance with all things italian. i wish i were intrigued by this, but i am consummately not. she's pretty staunch with her water only, no food allowed, no sleeping, no late arrivals rules. it's no where near the nazi i had to deal with in poli sci last year, but it's all compounded by the fact that her classroom in kept colder than a witch's teet. and you know how i feel about cold. grrr!

the other class is 3-dimensional design. there were only two options on this class as well, but at least there were two different professors. unfortunately the class with the preferable professor appears too full to add. and even that class is at 8am in the morning. and i promised myself i wasn't going to do any more 8am classes. the alternative is a night class that falls squarely on the time that the both the musicians and vocalists rehearse so it looks like i'll be imposing a 3½ month hiatus on both playing and singing. the class however is an anomaly in that the syllabus for the class appears very difficult, while the teacher appears very simple. he also seems to know what he's talking about, but seems awkward as if he spent 20 years as a mechanic, then went to school for 2, got an associate's degree and then came back and started teaching the following year. he did mispronounce spatial as "spatchial".

"you can't say nuclear. that really scares me. sometimes a brain can come in quite handy. but that's not gonna help you. because i won three purple purple hearts. this land will surely vote for me" - a charicature of john kerry from jibjab's "this land" parody by gregg & evan spirdellis.

seems like a nice enough guy though. his personality is a little goofy and he has some semblance of comedic sense, but it's about 3 beats off timing. he's tall, smiley, and gentle-lookin' like if he goes outside, sappy Carpenters songs will swell up out of nowhere and birds, butterflies and deer will just start walkin' up to him. it's unsettling, but i know for sure that i could do worse. seeing as i didn't take enough interest earlier on to find out which classes at this college would transfer to the university and count towards my major, these second-rate slim pickins are what i get. therefore, i can't legitimately complain.

i suppose i should just be glad i don't have to go back to a steady diet of pork & beans seasoned with katsup and garnished with slices of "meat" weiners. speaking of which, has it ever bothered anyone else that they refer to them as meat weiners? it's like now that you can specifically buy beef weiners or turkey franks, you'd think they'd come clean and start callin' 'em ostrich links or reconstituted camel rations or something. anyway...

the point is: yay, i got classes! but eeew... the classes.


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