Saturday, July 09, 2005

sharks in the water

bills seem to be swimming around now like sharks threatening to attack. what i will call “the summer phone calls” have begun, when work becomes scarce (and currently the desire to work has become scarce as well), and thus money contracts a little tighter. this is due, that is due. i'm still not worried. but finally i'm concerned. shoot. i might even do something about it before it's too late.
“it will find you at the bottom of a bottle
it will find you at the needles end
it will find you when you beg and steal and borrow
it will follow you into as stranger's bed
it will find you when they've served you with the papers
it will find you when the locks are changed again
it will find you when you've called in all your favors
it will meet you at the bridge's highest ledge
so baby don't look down, it's a long way
the sun will come around to a new day
so hold on... love will find you
hold on, he's right behind you now
just turn around... love will find you”
- nichole nordeman, “hold on”
i do believe God will take care of me though. he's done so through amazing circumstances. just when i'm thinking “where will money come from?” -- i notice that someone has actually bid on the computer that i'm selling on eBay. that's great. i'll get money in my pocket, and some space in my room! i'll admit that life was easier when i was skating through the semester on the glazed surface of student loan money. i was concerned that my happiness was solely because i had income at my disposal. i finding that that is not so. i've faced the phone calls from a few collectors, which tend to fluster, but my confidence is still in Christ. and Christ is still alive and working on my behalf.


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