Thursday, March 16, 2006

before kings

"Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men." -- Proverbs 22:29 (NIV)

If you're wondering why I've been MIA recently, it's because I've been unbelievably deluged with inviting opportunities as of late. About three of them to be specific, all involving people I've long admired.

Amel Larrieux
I just got finished doing the CD packaging for Amel Larrieux's new album Morning releasing April 25th. I can't give out any details about it, but it's been a great opportunity for me. Besides the fact that the album will be the highest profile CD release I've ever worked on, and it will look great on my resume. Artistically, Amel Larrieux is one of my highest regarded influences both as a singer and as a songwriter. As a matter of course, her husband who produces all of her music and co-writes with her is also someone I look up to. It is he who I've worked most closely with. To be able to interact with him about both music and art has been surreal.

Kenny Lattimore & Chante Moore
Beyond that, I'm currently preparing to do official websites for both Kenny Lattimore and his wife Chante Moore. This pair of solo sites will definitely be getting attention for both of them, as they are releasing a follow-up duet album this year called Uncovered. Even moreso than his music, I've admired Kenny Lattimore himself for years. He's always positioned himself to someone with values and a really good heart. I chanced to meet him while on a field trip to a television taping while in high school and he by chance ended up being one of the early people to encourage my singing in public. Years later, we've come full circle and ended up going to the same church, singing together on the praise team too. Who would have thought. He's just an ordinary guy with an extraordinary gift, but it still remains... I count it an honor that he would recognize my talent as standout. He could pay anybody to work for him, but he chose me. Therefore? Wow.

Adam LaClave & Club Of The Sons
I have long believed that God closed doors to me regarding music, knowing that I would have abandoned my academic career to be involved in what I feel is my true passion. It seems only befitting that the closer I get to graduation, the more these previously closed doors begin to open... and how. It appears that I'm going to go on tour as a keyboardist/support vocalist with Adam LaClave's new side project Club Of The Sons.

Adam was one of the founding members of my favorite band Earthsuit, which also gave rise to the band Mute Math, which most people know I'm a die-hard fan of. Not to mention, like Amel Larrieux, I've spent countless hours absorbing his lyrics and folding elements of his vocal style into my own. To be invited to play and sing with him is unbelievable, and to wit, I can still hardly believe this is actually happening.

His original plan was to finish recording the Club Of The Sons album and then (including me) take the supporting slot on Mute Math's spring tour. The problem with that was I'd have had to postpone my last semester of school and thereby my graduation for a whole year to be on the tour. Unfortunately for the tour, but fortunately for me, the plans to tour with Mute Math had to be scrapped because of delays in the recording process. However, I still get to be in the band and graduate on time as planned.

I spoke with Adam last week and he was telling me that the run of tour dates begins June 1st, the day after my graduation. It's more than ironic that this door officially opens after I get my degree. God is large, God is alive, and God is able. Everytime I begin to forget these things, he proves himself to me over and over again.

Realistically, there are still plenty of people who would likely not give a rip about this joyous news I have. Nevermind her Grammy nomination, they'd say "Who's Amel Larrieux?" If you didn't familiarize yourself with R&B in the 90's, you might say "Kenny Lattimore? Mmmmm, doesn't ring a bell." and outside of the Christian music kingdom, scores would reply "Earthsuit? Adam LaClave? Club Of The Sons? Never heard of 'em."

Apart from the fact that I think they're all missing out on some top notch artistry, such opinions don't affect me at all. I know how deep seated my admirations are for them. I know how impactful their contributions have been to me. They have always been kings to me, and always will be.

"In a well-furnished kitchen there are not only crystal goblets and silver platters, but waste cans and compost buckets--some containers used to serve fine meals, others to take out the garbage. Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing." -- 2 Timothy 2:20 (The Message)


At 6:28 AM, March 18, 2006, Blogger Shawn said...

mr confidentiality. go on with yo' bad self.


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