Friday, April 15, 2005

a note in a bottle

for those concerned for my well-being, i am verily, verily still alive. however, i am up to my neck in academia. i am certain that i have bitten off more than i can comfortably chew. my attention is spent. so is my time. and i'm fiercely protecting to make sure the same fate does not befall my money. it's a shame because i really have missed being at this school for the past 2 years that i was doing whatever, but right now, the classes that i have, i can't give my full attention because they're all in competition with each other.

and yada, yada, yada, bills must be paid, sleep must be had, and God must be praised, so somethings will not move aside in the interests of getting me more study time which i have yet to economize. i'm continuing to consult the counselor the university provides to help me manage the mess of excess thought that spills out of my pressurized daily activity like so much extra batter from the sides of a waffle iron. there is much to say, but my energy would be better served getting around to turning in the annotated bibliography that was due in my japanese art history class about two weeks ago.

so in closing, i hope this note finds you well. i am still alive, but if you find this, please alert the authorities (particularly God) and ask him to send help.


At 8:56 AM, April 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy belated. hope it was a blast.

At 5:50 PM, April 19, 2005, Blogger Heather Diane Tipton said...

praying for you


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