Wednesday, March 16, 2005

breathe in

...and hold. {funeral's over. donnie mcclurkin screensaver turned in. visual analysis written. research paper proposition turned in. reprieve received for late graphic design assignment due tuesday. logo presentation for production class complete. day job paycheck received. set up appointment for counseling. laughed and talked with an old friend. payment for donnie screensaver received.} ok. now.

breathe out.

after what seemed way too long of a time ducking and laying low as a storm passed over, i can finally breathe for a minute and let my spine curve into this chair a little. i don't have to be catlike and tense. i returned long deferred calls and e-mails. watched episodes of taxi. installed windows xp service pack 2. cleared away the strewn papers that seem to enclose my floor like kudzu up a wall. even took some time to retwist my locs in the front.

and now i can relax. now i can smile and laugh for the heck of it and not just to keep from crying. now i can help somebody else out. now i can even pray. and now... let the weak say i am strong, let the poor say i am rich, because of what the Lord has done for us, give thanks. everyday.


At 3:27 PM, March 16, 2005, Blogger Heather Diane Tipton said...

Glad you can breathe again, Mark. Been praying for you.

At 4:41 AM, March 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whew! Amen.


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