Wednesday, June 16, 2004

this is a test

this is a test of the emergency blogcast system. this is only a test. however, in the event of an actual emotional disaster, it's good to know "someone is listening". i tell you, everyone i know who monitors this blog e-mailed me to ask if i was ok. my apologies for worrying ya'll. upon re-reading what i wrote, i did sound pretty destitute. everything's ok though. just as predictably unpredictable as usual, i woke up this morning feeling great... and eating anything in the house that was standing still or moving slowly.

today has been productive. i put in a good 4 hours work on a flash eCard for deitrick haddon's voices of unity choir for however, not that much. i'm trying not to obsess over details so much because if all goes correctly, no one will ever know i'm responsible for it. keep in mind, i have no beef with gospelflava, but the other designers i guess were jealous that my resume ( shows the impressive range of clientele i've gotten the opportunity to do work for from fred hammond and karen clark sheard to t.d. jakes and donnie mcclurkin and vickie winans, etc.

they've worried my broker senseless complaining how their contract disallows them from doing the same thing. whereas, my contract... *drum roll, please* is non-existent.

i don't know why i have such a sweet deal with the people at gf, but essentially, it was put on the grill when someone asked me to either remove the credit from my website (MY website mind you) to continue the business relationship or take my body of work and dissolve the business relationship. this rift has come up before, and the first time, it rocked my world. second time, i was more ready, so i said "fine. dissolve it. we're all good, no hard feelings."

i prayed about it though and i believe God said, "no, work it out." so i told my man who manages the operation and amazingly he said God told him the same thing. i say amazingly because i haven't always been a model independent contractor. there were some periods there where malaisse and apathy set in deep and i fudged deadlines and turned in work that while still impressive was below the level i had normally set.

well anyway, this is the first project i've done for them since the ultimatum came forth. the most impressive names i've done work for may be disappearing from my resume. so... if you're listening, please make note to go to look at the folio and say "yay! mark was here!" 'cause later, those works are likely to be gone.


At 7:07 AM, June 20, 2004, Blogger Jeff Interiano said...

Your site is slammin'...God bless


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