Monday, May 24, 2004

the upward spiral

"i have to admit it's getting better... it's getting better all the time." - The Beatles, Getting Better.

Gonna count my blessings. (1) Got a job where I feel competent and appreciated. (2) My hair is getting longer and requiring less attention. (3) My car is running great. (4) My voice is in good shape. (5) Me and Mom are getting along. (6) Got a new hangout partner whose about as crazy as me. (7) Web business is jumping. (8) I've got some creativity to devote to said business. (9) Bought Tonéx's new album on sale and it sounds really good. (10) Sang three songs at church yesterday and I sounded really good (tee hee). (11) Been paying more attention to God, and actually acting like a Christian even when folks aren't around. (12) I'm paying off bills slowly but surely. (13) I have hope, and I'm looking forward to the future. (14) and Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

This is pretty sharply contrasted to several months ago where I was feeling pretty alienated, hostile towards most everybody, and slightly depressed that "nothing was going right"... and things steadily kept going worse. But finally I feel that changing, and it's about time. I've always said, I'm an optimist, so depression and I don't get along well. So thank God it's finally getting better... all the time.


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